Intro to Neurodiversity


Neurodiversity is the diversity of human brains and minds – the infinite variation in neurocognitive functioning within our species.

Nick Walker

What Is It?

different people

Humans are diverse. We have different sizes, genders, skin tones, voices, and more. We also have different minds. The diversity of human brains is called "neurodiversity."

When we talk about neurodiversity, we often focus on people with diagnosable conditions. From dyslexia to Down syndrome, we consider how minds work differently.

Rethinking Neurodiversity

Society often sees neurological differences as deficits. But lately, a new perspective is changing the world. More communities and workplaces are recognizing the largely untapped potential of neurodivergent people.

Not every different trait is a bad trait. For example, people with ADHD can be highly creative and autistic people can be detail-oriented. More people believe that diverse brains strengthen a community.

Embracing neurodiversity means including neurodivergent people. It doesn't mean ignoring the disabling aspects of certain conditions. Instead, it means finding work-arounds and recognizing the value of each person.